“I am well again, I came to life in the cool winds and crystal waters of the mountains….” -John Muir
Fisher Family Fun- A Year in Review
Fisher Family Fun- A Year in Review
This year was our first year having a Friend Party for Anna. We invited some of her friends to a place called Jumpin Jacks. It is a bif building full of blow up slides and jump houses. It was so fun. Anna turned 3 on the 5th of december and James turned 1 on the 3rd.
Even though it was Anna's party James just scooted all over the place trying to get in on the action. (for those of you who have not seen James scoot, you are missing out. We have a video but I don't know how to put it on here yet- soon. Anyway, he crawls with one leg and then just drags the other one in the sitting poistion in front of him. It is funny and I can't write the description. He looks like a monkey thought and everywhere we go people comment about it. Dave calls him "the missing link")
Anna had so much fun. She ran and jumped and went down the slide. It was paradise for her and it was worth it to see her so happy. Her hair was standing straight up and her face had a smile on it the whole time (for those of you who know our little serious/grumpy girl that was great to see)!
As you can see it was fun for the all of us!
We also had a family party with G.ma and G.pa Fisher, G.ma Janet, Aunt Rosie. Uncle James and Uncle Dylan. G.ma Suzy made the cakes and cup cakes you can see that James started out slow but soon figured out just how to devour a cupcake!
We love all of our family! We wish that everyone could have been here!
Fisher Family Fun- A Year in Review
There were several wildfires that we didn't plan on so most of the camp grounds that I knew of were completely full. It turned out to be such a pleasant suprise though because we found a new place that was so beautiful.
We hiked to Inspiration Point by Jenny Lake. This hike has the option of riding a boat across the Lake to cut off a mile or two so we took the boat there but then hiked arounf the lake after we spent some time at Inspiration Point. Anyway, on the boat ride over Anna was delighted to get to ride the boat. She squeeled the whole across and even the grumpy passengers were laughing by the time we got to the other side of the lake. It was so funny.
Fisher Family Fun- A Year in Review
At the end of July or beginning of August my family met up in Island Park for the weekend.
My grandma has a cabin up there that we used to go to all the time when we were kids. It has been too long since we have all been there together. We fished and went boating of course (you can see that James is not happy about his life jacket) but some of my favorite times were when we stayed up playing "Texas Hold 'em" all night long. We always played cards up there when we were young so it brought back fun memories. Aunt Chrisitna came down for part of the trip and played cards with us and went on a hike too. It is always fun to have her around.
We love her Uncle Nate and we are so glad that he is patient with her.
I really love this picture..I think it so precious!
This is Anna that same day standing in the water just up stream from the bridge that goes over Henry's Fork right by Mack's Inn.
After she tried to catch a fish on her pole that Uncle Nathan made her out of stick some line and a hook, she just decided to wade out in the water and catch a fish for herself. Really all she did was wade around in very cold water with her dinosaur that Aunt Christina bought her in Montana. She had so much fun with her cousin Stella as they both got soaking wet. James was just sitting on the river bank eating rocks watching the two girls play and splash.
Fisher Family Fun- A Year in Review
Dave had to work a lot this summer and there were a couple of trips that he had to miss. However when he was home he was hanging out with us! The kids love him and enjoy life more when he is around. In this picture we just got home from swimming and are getting ready for bed. Anna knows that she can sweet talk her dad into a bedtime story just by tilting her head and saying "please".
Another fun thing that Anna (and Sorta James- he just supervised this year but next year he will help) loves to do with her daddy is to wash the car. She really loves to help wash the Z car because it is more her hieght and she can reach all the things that need to be cleaned. She scrubs the tires and washes the doors. She is definately her daddy's girl- she will always tell me that my car is dirty and I need to wash it. Thanks that is all I need another thing to clean. Needless to say it is one of their favorite "projects" to do together.
Dave decided to shave his head to go on his fishing trip. So, we then decided that it would be cute to shave buddy boy's head too. Well, as soon as we did it my heart was sad. It really wasn't cute at all. Well, of course it was cute still but not cute like little baby boy cute it was cute like good thing he has such an adorable face because now he looks like a gangster cute. Anyway, here is a picture of lil bald boy. We went on a family hike that day to Stewart Falls up Provo Canyon. (thanks g.ma Suzy for taking the picture and going with us).
One of the reasons that Dave was able to get Fridays off is because he worked clear out in Dugway Proving Grounds. Huh, don't know where that is..well welcome to the common population- that is because it is in the middle of NOWHERE! He He He. Dave's family thinks that we live in the middle of nowhere but Dygway is another hour west into the desert. Anyway, since he has to travel so far (actually it is not too far from us because we do live quite west already- an hour for us aint no thang) and he works on a federal government base he gets fridays off. We have tried to go out to visit him s couple of times. This is James in his daddy's office. A Fisher boy on a Job-site...hmm that's weird.
Fisher Family Fun- A Year in Review
After our adventure in Goblin Valley we went on our annual family hike through Little Wild Horse Canyon. I have to say that we are getting batter at carrying our babies through there. Anna walked most of the hike on her own and I carried James, and I did not even bonk his head or anything.