For the purpose of showing you all how beautiful this beach is I am combining the pictures of two different trips.
To get to La Push 2nd Beach you have to wlk through a little forest to get there. The forest is so pretty with these huge twisted trees. The kids really like that part of the beach. Anna prides herself in being able "hike" the whole way by herself.
Once you walk through the trees it opens up to a beautiful beach that has these random massive rocks standing watch along the shoreline. they make the coolest sillouettes during the sunset.

Once you get to the beach it is 2 miles of shoreline to explore. The first time here we decided to camp somewhere on that two mile stretch. We were a little unprepared for the trek through the forest to get to the camp and then the jaunt to get to the campsite that Dave picked out for us. We anticipated

a "car camping" experience so we loaded the car with loose items and tons of only slightly organized stuff. As a result Dave and Dylan had to shoulder amazing amounts of piles and bags in order to have food shelter and beds.
It was worth it though. Camping on the beach was awesome! the kids palyed in the water and the sand. Anna ran around naked most of the night just so happy at the new found freedom of going potty in a hole on the beach. I don't know what we fed her but there were a lot of holes with little sticks p

oking out of them all over the beach. Our food was covered in sand because of the wind and we discovered that we forgot utensils. To James this did not matter at all. He was already full from eating the sand by the handfuls. Since Dylan and Dave were growing out their beards it made James look like he was just part of the bearded boys.
Listening to the waves and then the rain throughout the night was so great! When we woke up in the morning it was misting outside. It was raining really but there were not any drops forming. It was just a general wetness in the air. We decided to pack up and head out. The kids clothes were wet and it was cold. We discovered a star fish on the way back to the car and in the picture below Anna is holding it before she sent it back to be with its family. Also in the picture below you can see my sherpa! Isn't he great! I mean look at how much stuff he is packing out of there! What a good daddy!